Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de dent

to dentabollar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I dentyo abollo
you denttú abollas
he dentsél abolla
she dentsella abolla
we dentnosotros abollamos
you dentvosotros abolláis
they dentellos abollan
they dentellas abollan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I dentedyo abollé
you dentedtú abollaste
he dentedél abolló
she dentedella abolló
we dentednosotros abollamos
you dentedvosotros abollasteis
they dentedellos abollaron
they dentedellas abollaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have dentedyo he abollado
you have dentedtú has abollado
he has dentedél ha abollado
she has dentedella ha abollado
we have dentednosotros hemos abollado
you have dentedvosotros habéis abollado
they have dentedellos han abollado
they have dentedellas han abollado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had dentedyo había abollado
you had dentedtú habías abollado
he had dentedél había abollado
she had dentedella había abollado
we had dentednosotros habíamos abollado
you had dentedvosotros habíais abollado
they had dentedellos habían abollado
they had dentedellas habían abollado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will dentyo abollaré
you will denttú abollarás
he will dentél abollará
she will dentella abollará
we will dentnosotros abollaremos
you will dentvosotros abollaréis
they will dentellos abollarán
they will dentellas abollarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have dentedyo habré abollado
you will have dentedtú habrás abollado
he will have dentedél habrá abollado
she will have dentedella habrá abollado
we will have dentednosotros habremos abollado
you will have dentedvosotros habréis abollado
they will have dentedellos habrán abollado
they will have dentedellas habrán abollado

I would dentyo abollaría
you would denttú abollarías
he would dentél abollaría
she would dentella abollaría
we would dentnosotros abollaríamos
you would dentvosotros abollaríais
they would dentellos abollarían
they would dentellas abollarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have dentedyo habría abollado
you would have dentedtú habrías abollado
he would have dentedél habría abollado
she would have dentedella habría abollado
we would have dentednosotros habríamos abollado
you would have dentedvosotros habríais abollado
they would have dentedellos habrían abollado
they would have dentedellas habrían abollado

Participio presenteAnotado
denting abollando

Participio pasadoAnotado
dented abollado

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